5 Considerations Before You Replace The Old Transformer.

Posted by Admin on November, 29, 2021

When your power transformer life cycle approaches a near end, there are high chances of its turning faulty. It can cause hazardous events or complete power shut, accompanied by huge costs of repairs, raising an important question; what are the primitive reasons for seeking replacements for your power transformers?

Usually transformers witnesses’ operational faults early in its life cycle due to outdated technology, wrong fit/specifications resulting in high maintenance cost. At this point, replacement or repair service remains the only option for preventing the contingencies.

In general, replacements are considered an economical option over repairs.

Why? It certainly costs you less than what repairing a busted/failed transformer will cause. When you finalize to replace a transformer many specifications and requirements need to change. But what remains an unchanged fact is to always seek technological upgrades throughout.

Besides technology, there are numerous aspects to consider and brainstorm. With this blog, we share 5 tips worth considering before getting a replacement for your power transformer.

  • Consider the quantity of harmonic load: One of the reasons for transformer failure can be non-linear loads. It causes higher harmonics to flow through the windings. The presence of harmonics can be due to computers, HID lightings, rapid mode switching devices, etc. asking for a special transformer design and development. Equipment that can easily endure the harmonic currents and fluxes that are generated in the core.
  • Get your specifications right: The most crucial things to understand before getting a replacement are the desired specifications. The operational requirements surely evolve from the first time you bought the transformer. Thoroughly work on your revised requirements – KVA, phases, voltage, load capacity, expected efficiencies, etc.
  • Choose appropriate size: When considering replacements, always consider the size of equipment suitable for your facility. Purchasing a bulky and huge transformer will not only cost extra rupees but also space, and lay constraints on smooth operations. Whereas the smaller one will lead to poor operational efficiency, the inadequacy of load, and high risks of transformer failure.
  • Know the utility requirements: The need for marginalization with power utility occurs either on the primary or secondary end of building a transformer. Therefore, compliance with utility regulations becomes crucial. Some of them are – Metering the locations of the potential and present transformer, the requirement of the protective device, Grounding methods, etc.
  • Safeguard your investment: Transformer failures are inevitable in the absence of corrective measures and planning to avoid them. And for this, you must discuss with your power transformer manufacturer about fulfilling the requirements of Overcurrent Protective Device (OCPD), to begin with. Moreover, study your requirements, conduct necessary tests at your facility, get the O&M manuals from the transformer, and train the owner/operator/supervisor for better safety of the equipment.
  • Transformer replacement is a huge investment decision to make. This irreversible decision must be taken in light of well-studied and presented facts. There can surely be more to consider while replacing a power transformer. A well-thought decision can save you resources and guarantee operational efficiency. If you want to play around with it, play smart. Look for accurate requirements, diligent transformer manufacturers, and best-in-class post-sale services for your transformer.

This entry was posted on November, 29, 2021 at 17 : 07 pm and is filed under Industrial Transformer. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response from your own site.

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