Electrotech Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Blog http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/ Latest Products Sat, 27 Jul 2024 15:43:09 +0530 en-us http://www.ettgroups.co.in How to make the right choice of dry type or oil-filled transformer? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/how-to-make-the-right-choice-of-dry-type-or-oil-filled-transformer_11884.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:00:34 +0530 “The transformer is constant structured equipment that serves the unitary purpose of stepping up/down the power of distinct voltages.”   Is that true?   Not really, in fact transformers are highly versatile equipment deployed at any facility fulfilling different purposes of installation. They come in different design, sizes, configuration, and medium filled in it. Depending on your application, location, power requirements, you can get one custom-built.   Considering the generic requirements and conditions, the transformer manufacturers offer multiple options. Out of the versatile range of products, the two most commonly used are – Dry Type and Oil-filled transformers. These transformers serve the common purpose of cooling down the equipment. But use a distinct method of cooling down the heat generated during a transformer’s working.   The oil-filled transformers can use two mediums – conventional mineral oil or high fire point hydrocarbons and silicones. On the other hand, a dry-type transformer uses air or air/gas as the cooling agent.   Are you confused and stuck with the choice? Read the factors stated below to understand the key differences, guiding your decision in the right direction.   Location – The most crucial factor is the location of the transformer’s installation. The dry-type transformers are best for the spaces like – buildings, schools, offices, or near them. They are less flammable and environmentally safer. The oil-filled transformers are apt to use in outdoor spaces. Due to the risks of oil spills/leakages and fire, it serves as a better environment-friendly option.   Operational Life – The life of a oil-filled transformer is 25-35 years, and a dry-type transformer is 15-25 years. The longer life span of the former saves its users the costs of material, labor for replacements, etc.   Footprint – A dry-type transformer is a heavy piece of equipment in terms of its size in comparison to a oil-filled. Hence, increasing your demands for space, lighting, and ventilation.   Efficiency – The oil-filled transformers are highly efficient, smaller in size, and have lower space demands. In contrast, the dry-type transformers are larger. They offer lower voltage capabilities and are more prone to overheating in case of excess loading. They, therefore, incur higher electrical losses, and are costly to maintain.   Voltage – The dry-type transformers can handle low-medium voyage ratings and MVA (up to 35 kV), ideal for smaller applications. And oil-filled transformers can easily handle high voltage requirements (up to 1000KV) and are ideal in the circumstances of heavy power requirements.   Costs – The transformer operates at different levels of efficiency and incurs distinct energy and additional losses. An oil-cooled transformer is bound to generate lower losses in comparison to a dry-type transformer. Due to their high energy efficiency, oil-filled transformers have lower initial and transformer costs and a higher life span.   Serviceability Transformer - Maintenance Requirements Dry Type Transformer - Inspection, infrared analysis, grills, and coil vacuuming. The coil and grill cleaning requires de-energization of the transformer, often resulting in no cleaning requirement. Oil-filled Transformer - Drawing an oil sample to get a detailed analysis of oil and transformer’s operational efficiency.   In the case of a dry-type transformer, overlooking the cleaning requirements can cause fire hazards. Due to improper airflow impacting the transform efficiency, and is a hectic process to undertake. Inversely, the maintenance of a liquid-type transformer seems coherent and less hectic. It does not affect the transformer’s efficiency and is not prone to fire hazards.   Sound and Noise Levels – Heavy equipment like transformers are bound to produce high levels of sound/noise while operating. The oil-filled transformers generate less sound, contributing less to noise pollution.   Reparability – The cast coils used in dry-type transformers are typical to repair. Hence, calling for the consumer to replace it. In contrast, the coils in the oil-filled transformers are easy to repair. Oil-filled transformers, when fail, offer the scope to repair/replace the damaged component instead of replacing the entire equipment.   Reclamation/Recycling – We witness that companies prefer replacing the old coils in the transformer and continue using the old transformers.   Recycling the components of a oil-filled transformer is simpler than that of a dry-type transformer. One can revitalize the fluid for future use and economically recycle other components (like steel, copper, aluminum). Moreover, it extends a positive cash flow. All of this is hard to achieve at the end of a dry-type transformer’s life cycle.   All the factors considered, the oil-filled transformer seems to be a better option. It offers higher efficiency, recyclability, lower noise levels, lower losses, etc. But you cannot use them everywhere. As said earlier, the location has the most crucial role to play. The suitability of dry-type transformers in commercial and indoor spaces makes it the most preferred option. It poses lower risks of fire hazards and is safe to install at the places surrounding people.   Now based on your requirements and spending capacities you can make your choice in the light of all the factors listed above. Methods to Purify Oil Used in the various transformers. http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/methods-to-purify-oil-used-in-the-various-transformers_11885.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:03:26 +0530 You cannot expect your machines to run smoothly without lubricating the parts vulnerable to water/moisture. Similarly, the transformers also need oiling to ensure they work effectively and efficiently. The use of high-quality oil maximizes transformer performance. But its quality tends to degrade/contaminate over time due to the accumulating impurifications in the oil. And to your amazement, you can recycle and purify the oil while in the mechanical process of the transformers. But, what leads to oil contamination? Exposure of transformer oils to contaminants like acid, metal dust, moisture, etc. The removal of such impurities is crucial to maintain its functional attributes. Or the transformer’s solid insulation components will be at a higher risk of failure. Hence, making oil purification (i.e., removal of unwanted materials) a crucial process. The ideal methods to prevent and fix this problem are Purification and Filtering. Nowadays, the Transformer Service and maintenance centers maintain state-of-the-art equipment for filtering transformer oil with authentic procedures. It ensures high levels of efficiency, safety, and ease of operation. Let us understand distinct methods of oil purification- Centrifugation: This purification process removes water and moisture from the oil, using centrifugal force. This method is valued primarily for its relatively higher water removal rate. Despite its advantages, the technology has its drawbacks. The limited degree of overall oil purification. Complexity and the necessity for continuous supervision. Adsorption: It is another procedure used for removing the excess water from oil. This method is simpler than the method of Centrifugation. But, has some setbacks.  The sorbent used determines the purification rate. Disposition of sorbent used, considering potential environmental risks. Requires good quality input oil yet has low processing capacities. Oil purifiers with low vacuums: Low vacuum transformer oil purifiers offer fewer features. Dehydration and light degassing are the primary uses. The systems are the most economical option when moisture removal and filtration without gas removal are needed. The flow rates range from 3 GPM to 50 GPM. Regeneration systems for transformer oil: Regeneration of transformer oil brings it back to its original condition. As oil flows slowly through large vessels, it removes the acids, sludge, and various oxidation products. The media can be restored 200-300 times during a regeneration period before it needs replacement. This system uses a combination of Degassing and filtration. Oil Dry out Systems for Transformers: A transformer oil drying system removes moisture by using the adsorptive method. These filters are ideal for situations where you cannot use the vacuum or remove the moisture and particulates; as it effortlessly removes the emulsified and the free water and carbon from the air. Why is it necessary to purify/filter the oil periodically? According to C.C. Jensen, 80% of oil-related failures and breakdowns are a result of contaminated oil. And the periodic oil regeneration/purification can prevent the equipment from: Arcing, development of an electric arc that may cause electrical breakdowns. Overheating of oil, Corona discharge, a type of electrical discharge from the equipment, occurring due to fluid ionization. Diminishing the insulating capacity of the oil. What are the benefits of transformer oil filtration? Regular filtration keeps the machine operational. It increases the life span of the transformer. It reduces the possibilities of breakdown. It enhances the sheathing properties of the oil. Can you have your own transformer oil filtration machine? How? Yes. All the things considered, having good transformer oil filtration equipment can come in handy. But with numerous manufacturers offering the equipment, how to pick the right one? With the in-depth study of your needs and the available product, you can ensure maximum equipment reliability. Therefore, seek a manufacturer developing high-quality machines meeting your requirements, tending to your feasibility, offering prompt after-sales services, and scope for personalization. On a final note, we can say that maintaining the transformer oil in the correct quantity and of the right quality is of utmost importance. This undermined component can dramatically improve/degrade the functional capabilities of your transformer. Substantiate the oil quality, its testing (for impurities), and conduction of purification is periodic. Choose the most versatile and world-class product with the best transformer manufacturers in India http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/choose-the-most-versatile-and-world-class-product-with-the-best-transformer-manufacturers-in-india_11886.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:06:19 +0530 Are you planning to spend loads of money on heavy electrical equipment like a transformer? Want to get a custom transformer for your facility? Why not approach one of central India’s best and most trusted transformer manufacturers, i.e. the Electro-tech Transformer. The BIS and BEE certified and ISO approved transformer manufacturer believes in delivering novel transformer solutions to its clients. The expert technicians at ETT skillfully design and manufacture custom transformers befitting your every niche requirement. Moreover, with their environment-friendly product concepts like green transformers, they tend to serve their clients and the environment equally.   Within a brief period of 6 years, we have successfully served over 200 clients and have completed more than 100 projects. We have successfully achieved such a milestone by understanding and consciously following our paramount ideals of quality, timeliness, and expeditious after-sales support.   Our experts, technicians and shop-floor staff can brilliantly personalize and craft a wide range of transformers for our customers. The type and technical specification of transformers are: Off-load distribution transformers – We manufacture off-load transformers of range beginning from 25KVA to 2500 KVA and above 2500KVA up to 5000 KVA for all the voltage classes. Type: Indoor/Outdoor Voltage class: 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22, 33KV LifeSpan:15 years No. of Phases: 3 Frequency: 50-60 Hz Winding Material: Copper with multiple paper covering   On-Load distribution Transformers – The manufacturing range of this category begins from 500 KVA to 2500 KVA and above 2500KVA up to 5000 KVA for all the voltage classes. Type: Indoor/Outdoor Voltage class: 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22, 33KV. LifeSpan:15 years No. of Phases: 3 Frequency: 50-60 Hz Winding Material: Copper with multiple paper covering   Furnace Transformers – The technical specifications for the construction of such transformers are: Type: Indoor/Outdoor Duty: Off-load/On-load Voltage class: 3.3, 6.6, 11, 22, 33KV. LifeSpan:15 years No. of Phases: 3 Frequency: 50-60 Hz Winding Material: Copper with multiple paper covering   Power Transformer – These transformers can be manufactured for transmissions of higher voltages – 400 kV, 200 kV, 110 kV, 66 kV, 33kV, etc. Our Manufacturing Capacity: 5 MVA Cooling: ONAN Voltage class: up to 33KV. LifeSpan:15 years No. of Phases: 3 Frequency: 50 Hz Windings: Double copper wound   Three-Phase Transformer: This type of manufacturing enhances the performance and efficiency in contrast to a single-phase transformer. The tech specifications are as follows: Manufacturing Range: 500KVA to 2500 KVA/ 25 KVA to 2500KVA Type: Indoor/Outdoor Duty: On-load/ Off-load LifeSpan:15 years   Why ETT Groups? Based on Transformer Trouble-Free performance Low power loss Low noise/ Silent operation Modern-age manufacturing techniques BIS and BEE standards compliant   Based on Manufacturer Services Advanced Testing and Quality Checks Appropriate Packing and Transporting Prompt post-sales services Personalized transformer designing and construction Green transformers, eco-friendly manufacturing With the remarkable service and product quality, ETT now has multiple clients from the private as well as the public sectors. The company aims at delivering an efficient transformer that offers scope for personalization, incorporates new-age technology in construction, all at pocket-friendly costs. With a perpetual urge to innovate consistently and provide world-class products and services to our customers, we surely see ourselves stretching out to the global markets in no time.   We open-heartedly welcome you to join the ETT customer community and enjoy the perks of being serviced by a world-class transformer manufacturer. 5 considerations before you replace the old transformer. http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/5-considerations-before-you-replace-the-old-transformer_11887.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:07:21 +0530 When your power transformer life cycle approaches a near end, there are high chances of its turning faulty. It can cause hazardous events or complete power shut, accompanied by huge costs of repairs, raising an important question; what are the primitive reasons for seeking replacements for your power transformers?   Usually transformers witnesses’ operational faults early in its life cycle due to outdated technology, wrong fit/specifications resulting in high maintenance cost. At this point, replacement or repair service remains the only option for preventing the contingencies.   In general, replacements are considered an economical option over repairs.   Why? It certainly costs you less than what repairing a busted/failed transformer will cause.  When you finalize to replace a transformer many specifications and requirements need to change. But what remains an unchanged fact is to always seek technological upgrades throughout.   Besides technology, there are numerous aspects to consider and brainstorm.  With this blog, we share 5 tips worth considering before getting a replacement for your power transformer. Consider the quantity of harmonic load: One of the reasons for transformer failure can be non-linear loads. It causes higher harmonics to flow through the windings. The presence of harmonics can be due to computers, HID lightings, rapid mode switching devices, etc. asking for a special transformer design and development. Equipment that can easily endure the harmonic currents and fluxes that are generated in the core. Get your specifications right: The most crucial things to understand before getting a replacement are the desired specifications. The operational requirements surely evolve from the first time you bought the transformer. Thoroughly work on your revised requirements – KVA, phases, voltage, load capacity, expected efficiencies, etc. Choose appropriate size: When considering replacements, always consider the size of equipment suitable for your facility. Purchasing a bulky and huge transformer will not only cost extra rupees but also space, and lay constraints on smooth operations. Whereas the smaller one will lead to poor operational efficiency, the inadequacy of load, and high risks of transformer failure. Know the utility requirements: The need for marginalization with power utility occurs either on the primary or secondary end of building a transformer. Therefore, compliance with utility regulations becomes crucial. Some of them are – Metering the locations of the potential and present transformer, the requirement of the protective device, Grounding methods, etc. Safeguard your investment: Transformer failures are inevitable in the absence of corrective measures and planning to avoid them. And for this, you must discuss with your power transformer manufacturer about fulfilling the requirements of Overcurrent Protective Device (OCPD), to begin with. Moreover, study your requirements, conduct necessary tests at your facility, get the O&M manuals from the transformer, and train the owner/operator/supervisor for better safety of the equipment.  Transformer replacement is a huge investment decision to make. This irreversible decision must be taken in light of well-studied and presented facts. There can surely be more to consider while replacing a power transformer. A well-thought decision can save you resources and guarantee operational efficiency. If you want to play around with it, play smart. Look for accurate requirements, diligent transformer manufacturers, and best-in-class post-sale services for your transformer. Five Reasons for Transformer Failure? And how can you avoid them? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/five-reasons-for-transformer-failure-and-how-can-you-avoid-them_11888.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:08:31 +0530 In the present economic situation, it is definite that prominent industries are suffering. Lockdowns have led to stagnancy/downfall in business operations and the financial health of corporate. One of the many suffering industries is the Power industry. As per surveys, India has witnessed a downfall in daily power demand by 25 to 28% since the lockdown began.   Another prominent reason leading to the stagnancy of routine operations is Transformer Failure. For power-driven industries and units, transformer breakdown is no less than a nightmare. As it instantly puts a halt on industrial and auxiliary operations. Therefore, ensuring zero transformer failures becomes one of the most important tasks of your facility supervisors.   And, before doing so your team must be aware of common reasons for failure.   With this blog, explore a few reasons for transformer failure and precautionary measures you can follow. Wrong transformer specifications. You need to ensure the design, material, and other specifications are up to the mark. Factors like insulation type, inappropriate capacity, failure to understand the location of installation (for dampness, hazardous gases, etc.) can lead to Overheating or winding faults. Facility imperfections. The factors like an improper installation at the facility, incorrect protection range of lightning rods and capacity, or incorrect switch and relay aspect for protection can lead to fatal accidents. Poor maintenance and improper transformer operations. Failure can be a result of loosening and heating of external components. Additional causes are insulating oil deterioration, overloading, wrong cable connections, abnormal voltage, poor accessory maintenance, and many more. These can cause faults like Over-fluxing, and external transformer faults. Poor cooling system. Inappropriate cooling systems and settings in the facility and transformer can lead to cooling system failure. Some reasons can be a leakage in oil/water pipes (due to corrosion, high humidity), faulty cooling fans, or faulty thermostats. Normal wear and tear and Natural Disasters. If not inspected at regular intervals, the equipment or its components can experience weathering. Due to regular use, the condition of components deteriorates like winding conditions, core damage due to unavoidable aspects like heating, etc. Plus, transformers located at a facility prone to experiencing natural disasters are at high risks of transformer damage and failure.   Measures for avoiding transformer failures are: Install resistance temperature indicator near windings. Use bridge circuits for when the bridge balance stays disturbed over the permissible duration. Use differential and overcurrent protection as protection for earthing faults. Provide volts/hertz relay to protect against the over-fluxing operation. Schedule regular visits of technicians to maintain upkeep of transformers. For avoiding external faults you can use an over-current relay with under-voltage blocking, zero sequence protection, and negative sequence protection. Study the facility attributes, design your attributes accordingly and prevent failure from locational factors like humidity. Even with all precautions, transformer failures seem like an inevitable circumstance. But with routine inspections and hiring workers/staff well-trained to deal with such contingent situations, you can successfully avoid transformer failures. What do you need to know about electrical transformers? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/what-do-you-need-to-know-about-electrical-transformers_11889.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:10:03 +0530 Electrical transformers are equipment that controls power/voltage supply in the surrounding electrical environment. But what else do you know about them? Read the conversation between Mr. Pranay, owner of a transformer manufacturing unit and his daughter for a better understanding of electrical transformers.    Mr. Pranay and his daughter, Jyoti were on a night stroll when his daughter saw a transformer in their residential area. She was fascinated to see big metal equipment, big electric poles, connected with multiple wires and asked her dad about the same.   Jyoti: Dad, what is this huge equipment on the roadside?   Mr Pranay: Jyoti, this equipment is a transformer, electrical transformer. And that’s wht we manufacture at our factory.   Jyoti: What is a transformer and why do we have it in our colony?   Mr Pranay: Dear, a transformer is an electrical component that is used to alter the voltage of electric current we have at our homes. This equipment is installed in our colony for transporting the electricity to every household in our colony. Plus, it steps down the high-intensity voltage from generation plants to the usable low-intensity voltage.   Jyoti: What are the basic characteristics of a transformer?   Mr Pranay: Irrespective of their types, every transformer showcases a few common features, like: Every transformer works on the laws of electromagnetic induction. The input and output power frequency is the same. They don’t need a movable component for energy transmission. Both primary and secondary coil/windings are devoid of electrical connection. All of them experience energy losses, which can be controlled by designing energy-efficient transformers.   Jyoti: Are all transformers of the same size?   Mr. Pranay: No, dear. Transformers can be constructed in different sizes, with different materials, for different power requirements and of different types.   Jyoti: What are the most common types of transformers, Dad?   Mr Pranay: The common transformer types are: Power transformers, Distribution transformer, and Three-Phase transformers; all of these are deployed toStep-up/Step-down voltages.   Jyoti: Why do you manufacture so many different types?   Mr Pranay: Because every transformer type has a different application.   Power transformer is installed for smooth current transmission between generation plants and distribution channels.   Distribution transformers are used for primary and secondary distribution to the end consumers.   Step up/down transformer:A transformer that is used for modifying the voltage/current while transmitting the current in the distribution channels. Step up transformers increases the voltage levels. Whereas, the step down transformer decreases the voltage level during the transmissions.   Jyoti: But why is this equipment so huge? How many components are used in it?   Mr. Pranay: Jyoti, transformers vary in sizes according to their usability. You will find a small-sized transformer in a stage microphone. Whereas heavy ones for generation and distribution. So, all the transformers are not necessarily huge. And, the answer to your next question is three. A magnetic core, primary windings and secondary winding.It uses many more components, variable to the type and application of the transformer.   Jyoti: wow Daddy. I would love to learn more about transformers the next time we get a chance.   Mr. Pranay: Sure Jyoti. You can visit our manufacturing plant anyday.   This conversation sums upthat transformers as a component perform multiple functions for its users. This crucial equipment not just transmits electricity, but also prevents energy losses, safeguards against energy failures and hazards, and alters electricity according to the end-user (industry, household, power plants, etc.).   For more information on electrical transformer, call our industry experts or visit ettgroups.in Step down transformer – all that you need to know http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/step-down-transformer-all-that-you-need-to-know_11890.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:12:50 +0530 What type of transformers do you find in/near your locality? Ever wondered how the high voltage current is converted to low voltage current apt for use by end-users? The answer to these questions is a Step-down Transformer. Its key functionality is to convert high voltage and low current from the transformer’s primary side to low voltage and high current value on the transformer’s secondary side. In terms of its construction/coil windings, the transformer’s primary winding has more turns than the secondary winding, because more voltage is borne at the primary side. These transformers can also be named distribution transformers.   The key features of these transformers are: More windings on the primary side make it a high-voltage winding & fewer windings on the secondary side make it a low voltage winding. The input voltage of step-down transformers is higher than its output voltage. The current in its secondary winding is higher than the primary winding. Aluminum or Copper is used for making its primary & secondary coil windings.   How does it work? The working of distribution transformers is pretty simple. The lesser number of turns on the secondary side reduces the induced voltage flowing through the secondary coil, resulting in a reduced voltage. And a decrease in voltage always implies an increase in the current.   Why & where are these transformers used? The step-down transformers coherently work with the electrical distribution system. It takes the high voltage from power plants and steps down the voltage for its use in every kind of electrical equipment. Reducing the voltage levels becomes critical when the energy is to be distributed from plants to the end-users. Hence, they are prominently used by power plants or industries for distributing the power to the end-users (businesses & households). Common application areas of step-down transformers are: Street transformer for the electricity supply in the domestic area. High performance transformers for heavy engineering and allied industries. Heavy duty transformers for power stations like solar power and wind generation plants. Sustainable transformers for health care sector and lighting industry.   Any precautions to be followed? Definitely yes. A few of them according to the distribution transformer manufacturers are: Don’t operate these transformers with a poor/damaged plug or cord. In case of damages, do not try to disassemble the transformer. Let the technician/experts do it. Never install them in the presence of explosives, high moisture, dust, heat, & flammable fumes. Train the workers involved in the installation, operations, and maintenance & repairs, to avoid electric shocks or other hazardous accidents. Properly scrutinize the transformer’s condition for visible defects (both external & accessories) and its components for deformities. Step-down / Distribution transformers are a crucial component of every electrical setup. Typically, the setups of energy distribution from the power plants to the end-users. Given their key function, they hold an irreplaceable position in the entire setup and offer vast capabilities for the customization of the transformers’ design, material, etc. for its appropriate usage. How energy efficient transformers can be a game-changer in achieving the energy conservation mission http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/how-energy-efficient-transformers-can-be-a-game-changer-in-achieving-the-energy-conservation-mission_11891.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:13:50 +0530 The modern era comprises modern technology, equipment, and energy generation & consumption. But the modes of energy consumption are evolving continuously due to perennial threats of climate change, and the urge for using clean and renewable energy. Before understanding the conservation means and benefits let’s understand the setup. In every energy consumption/electricity transformation and consumption setup a crucial component is a transformer.   The transformers play an important role in generating, transforming, and distributing the electricity and are the components that experience maximum losses in the process. All the transformer manufacturers invest crores of funds in research and development activities for determining the efficient way of producing as well as distributing energy.   The best outcome is designing the transformers using materials, components, and structure making them efficient.   The contemporary energy-efficient transformers are designed differently from conventional transformers which increase their capabilities for minimizing energy losses. The conventional transformers were constructed using silicon alloyed iron core, whereas the efficient transformers are made up using amorphous material, i.e., a metallic glass alloy for the core. With a slight change in construction materials, the expected reduction in energy losses is approximately 70%. The unique physical and magnetic properties of these transformers have even increased efficiency levels at low loads like 98.5% at a load level of 35%.   The energy-efficient transformers bring you one step closer to contributing to the energy conservation mission. This option may be costlier than the other options in the market, but its overall contribution towards energy saving compensates for the huge initial investments.   This blog highlights points that explain how energy-efficient transformers can be a game-changer in the energy conservation mission. It decreases Co2 emissions: The creation of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases is the result of burning more fuels. With an increase in efficiency levels using energy-efficient transformers, you can prevent the excessive creation of Co2. It helps companies to reduce carbon emission directly or indirectly. Sustainable option: With the changing grids, evolving technology, and alterations, your transformer will continue working without any glitch. The transformer installed today will efficiently perform operations for the coming 25 years. The transformer that saves energy today will work beyond every planned/unplanned upgrade. Prevents more wastage with Voltage Management: Use of the high-rolling amount of voltage is wasteful, and increases your energy bills, and can lead to potentially damage the long-term utility of the equipment. The brilliant way to counter the problem is using energy-efficient transformers. It adjusts the input voltage and supplies it at a lower, yet useful voltage. Brilliant for present use. Today, every person desires to get a supply of clean and renewable supply of energy, but, its development might take a lot more time. The energy-efficient transformers decrease energy usage and create a cleaner environment. The installation of an energy-efficient transformer contributes directly or indirectly to the mission. It leads to lower energy consumption, thus reducing energy bills without making a noticeable difference yet contributing to improving performance. For a bigger picture, it guards against higher energy costs, and promotes a greener future. If we plan to create a future where most of the energy is used to if fullest capacity, we need to ensure that energy must not be consumed to a non-useful end. The energy-efficient transformers greatly reduce transformer losses without compromising the output or lifespan, hence, actively contributing to the energy-saving mission. Your ultimate guide to knowing the different types of transformers http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/your-ultimate-guide-to-knowing-the-different-types-of-transformers_11892.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:17:05 +0530 The transformer is one of the oldest inventions in the field of electrical engineering. The purpose and functioning of transformers is to transfer current/power from one circuit to another without changing its attributes like phase, and frequency. This equipment has evolved as the most crucial component of every electrical setup. The general function of a transformer is to step up (increase) or step down (decrease) the voltage/current in transmission. It primarily consists of three basic components – the core, primary winding, and secondary winding. Other than the basic components, every transformer’s design and purpose defines what type and quality of other components will be used for its construction.   In the present scenario, you can find or customize the transformer according to your needs, specifications, and purpose. However, based on different purposes like generation, distribution, and transmission, you can find a variety of transformers like a step up & step down transformer, power transformer, distribution transformer, single & three-phase transformer, etc.   This blog exhibits details on three types of transformers, i.e., power, distribution, and three-phase transformers.   Power Transformers – These transformers are used in the transmission setup of higher voltages. They are mainly installed at the generating stations or transmission substations. They are designed for operating on maximum efficiency of 100% and are bigger than distribution transformers. The working of power transformers is based on the principle of Faraday’s induction.  The ratings of these transformers are 33KV, 66KV, 110KV, 200KV, and 400KV. The life span of power transformers is around 30 years. Power transformers can be further categorized, based on their range – small power transformers (ranges from 500-750 KVA), medium power transformers (ranges from 750 KVA – 100 MVA), and large power transformers (ranges from 100MVA & above). They are mainly rated above 200 MVA.   Applications: The attribute of equal transmission and distribution of current makes them a perfect choice for power plants, industrial plants, and conventional electric utility companies. They are installed to control heavy power supply, which is an everyday condition in industrial setups. The basic function of the power transformer is to carry out the role of the step-up/ step-down device in the transmission process.   Distribution Transformers – In general, the distribution transformers are used to transport/distribute the power from generating stations to remote locations. They are used in the distribution network for voltage transmission in the system to step down the voltage level and it is utilized by the end consumer. This transformer is used to distribute voltage in industrial (voltage less than 33KV) as well as domestic (voltage range of 440V – 220V) electrical setups. In its construction, the primary coil is covered with the enamel-coated wire of aluminum or copper. A thick ribbon of copper or aluminum is used to make secondary winding of the transformer which carries a high current of low voltage. A resin packed paper and oil is used for insulation purposes.   Key features: It operates at a low-efficiency level, i.e. 50-70%. They are small in size. The installation of a distribution transformer is easy. The magnetic losses are lower. The transformers are not fully loaded always.   Three-Phase Transformers – A three-phase transformer is installed to suffice the generation, distribution, and transmission needs of huge power generation plants, industrial, and commercial establishments. It generates power on a large scale and based on the needs of industries, the step-up and step-down transformers are used. The construction of three-phase transformers can be done in two ways. First, connect 3 similar single-phase transformer's primary windings to make them one & secondary phase windings to make them a single connection. This is also known as a bank of three single-phase transformers. The second way in developing an entire three-phase transformer using a single core. It is an economical method of construction as it will have low material requirements. And, a three-phase transformer transfers AC power instead of DC power and is simple to construct.   Benefits: Easy installation and consumes less space. Small size and lesser weight Higher efficiency Low transportation cost   Transformers are a crucial component of any electrical set up, and correct knowledge guides let the purchase go in the right direction. The attribute of equal transmission and distribution of current makes them a perfect choice for power plants, industrial plants, and conventional electric utility companies. They are installed to control heavy power supply, which is an everyday condition in industrial setups. The basic function of the power transformer is to carry out the role of the step-up/ step-down device in the transmission process.   Distribution Transformers – In general, the distribution transformers are used to transport/distribute the power from generating stations to remote locations. They are used in the distribution network for voltage transmission in the system to step down the voltage level and it is utilized by the end consumer. This transformer is used to distribute voltage in industrial (voltage less than 33KV) as well as domestic (voltage range of 440V – 220V) electrical setups. In its construction, the primary coil is covered with the enamel-coated wire of aluminum or copper. A thick ribbon of copper or aluminum is used to make secondary winding of the transformer which carries a high current of low voltage. A resin packed paper and oil is used for insulation purposes.   Key features: It operates at a low-efficiency level, i.e. 50-70%. They are small in size. The installation of a distribution transformer is easy. The magnetic losses are lower. The transformers are not fully loaded always.   Three-Phase Transformers – A three-phase transformer is installed to suffice the generation, distribution, and transmission needs of huge power generation plants, industrial, and commercial establishments. It generates power on a large scale and based on the needs of industries, the step-up and step-down transformers are used. The construction of three-phase transformers can be done in two ways. First, connect 3 similar single-phase transformer's primary windings to make them one & secondary phase windings to make them a single connection. This is also known as a bank of three single-phase transformers. The second way in developing an entire three-phase transformer using a single core. It is an economical method of construction as it will have low material requirements. And, a three-phase transformer transfers AC power instead of DC power and is simple to construct.   Benefits: Easy installation and consumes less space. Small size and lesser weight Higher efficiency Low transportation cost Transformers are a crucial component of any electrical set up, and correct knowledge guides let the purchase go in the right direction. How to accurately test a three-phase transformer? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/how-to-accurately-test-a-three-phase-transformer_11893.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:18:31 +0530 Testing of transformers is a crucial process that must be conducted throughout its life span. The timely testing of transformers not only improves the working but also increases the life span of a transformer. But, more than conducting test technicians with the right knowledge must also practice testing techniques. The testing of transformers is generally conducted to ensure that all electrical, mechanical, and thermal standards are met.   The most important question that arises here is, how can you test a transformer accurately? Is there any accurate testing procedure followed for every transformer category? This blog highlights commonly conducted tests on a three phase transformer. Voltage Ratio Test: This one is a simple and routine test of the transformer. For conducting this test, you need to supply the three-phase 415V to HV (High Voltage) windings, keeping LV (Low Voltage) open. Measure the induced voltage at both the terminals to find out the actual voltage ratio of the transformer. Repeat the same with all the tap positions separately. Winding Resistance Rest: This test helps in determining I2R losses and to check winding temperatures. It ensures the healthiness of the equipment i.e., checking loosened ends, broken conductor strands, high voltage leads, bushings, etc. Make all the connections required for the test as per your transformer’s configurations. Pass the known DC current through the winding under test and record the voltage drops across each terminal. Compare the resistance value with each adjacent winding at the same tap. If all the readings are within the 1% limit of each other, the specimen has passed the test. Also, ensure checking each tap while conducting this test. Magnetic Balance Test: If you want to study imbalance, if any, in the magnetic circuit, conduct the magnetic balance test. Firstly, apply 3 phase 415V to the primary winding and remove any one phase (for delta fashion winding), and any two (for star fashion winding). Record voltages in three phases using a multimeter in the primary and secondary winding. Repeat for the other two phases. If the results conclude that flux in one produced by one limb, is the sum of flux produced by the other two limbs, your core is in a healthy condition. Magnetizing Current Test: It locates the defects in magnetic core structure, shifting of winding, the problem in tap changers, etc. At first, take taps changer to its lowest position and open all HV & LV terminals. Then apply 3 phase 415V on the line terminals and measure the supply voltage and current in each phase. Now repeat the test while keeping the tap changer at its normal and highest positions. Insulation Resistance Test: an essential type test, ensuring the soundness of the overall insulation system of the power transformer manufacturer. To begin with, disconnect all the line and neutral terminals of the transformer. Connect Megger leads to LV & HV bushing studs to determine IR value in between LV & HV windings. Next, connect Megger leads to HV bushing studs and transformer tank earth point to measure IR value in between HV winding and earth point. Repeat the same with LV bushing studs to record insulating resistance IR value between LV winding and earth. Normally, you can see two similar higher readings on the two outer phase limbs on the transformer core and one lower reading on the center limb phase. Short Circuit Test: Firstly, isolate the power transformer from service. Remove HV/LV jumps and disconnect neutral from the earth/ground. Short the LV phases and connect short-circuited ones to neutral. Energize the HV side by the supply of the LV side. Now, measure the current in neutral, high lines, and high voltage currents. The wattmeter will indicate the total cu loss of the transformer.   These tests will determine what part of your setup is faulty and if it needs repair or an immediate replacement. The reason for performing tests using set procedures is because random testing can be as hazardous as using a faulty transformer. Moreover, testing the transformer timely & accurately has its own benefits. It increases safety and eliminates the risk of hazard, boost equipment efficiency, & reduce expenses & losses.   Get your transformers tested with the assistance of your transformer manufacturer, and continue enjoying the benefits of a healthy transformer. 10 Safety Tips for using Power Transformer in your industry http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/10-safety-tips-for-using-power-transformer-in-your-industry_11894.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:20:16 +0530 An experienced power transformer manufacturer completely understands the complexity of the equipment. They are also aware of the fact that, while planning a transformer purchase, one doesn’t just analyze the monetary value, but also the post-purchase inputs of the machine. They ensure that the facility and workers are well equipped with its use, safety measures, and equipment to fight any emergencies.   As a responsible transformer manufacturer, we want you to know theses 10 tips and guidelines for ensuring safety in your industry: Buy from renowned vendors only Before complying with the safety measures make sure you buy a transformer from a reputed manufacturer/ suppliers/ vendors only. Confirm that the manufacturer has the latest technological aid to design the equipment which is tested on established industry standards and safety guidelines.   Investigate before installation Even though you bought a transformer from a reliable manufacturer ensure that it is in proper condition before installation. Check for proper insulation, visible leakage, and earthing arrangement. Also, ensure all the cables and other auxiliary machinery is of good quality. Broken cables if any, must be replaced immediately.   Turn the power off when, not in use It is advised to keep the power off for an industrial power transformer while not in operation. Following this practice keeps the transformer in optimal working condition for a longer time, takes the pressure off the machine, and gives sufficient downtime for resting. While switching it off, make sure you disconnect the power equipment properly such that there is no current leakage in the system.   Avoid power overloading Overloading is a major cause of transformer breakdown that must be avoided at all costs. A simple way to prevent overloading is to get your industrial requirements accurately measured by an expert and install the transformer of accurate rating to bear the load.   Spend on regular maintenance Periodic check-ups, cleaning, and repair is not just a safety drill, but this also contributes to prolonging the lifespan of a transformer.   Always keep the transformer grounded and away from moisture To remove the static charge, it is mandatory to keep the machinery grounded and prevents the transformer coils to contact the core. The transformer should be kept from any kind of water or moisture as it increases the risks of short circuits and lightning hits.   Stick to everyday safety measures Every power transformer manufacturer must ensure the safety of their working staff. Provide them with helmets, gloves, and other safety equipment which they must wear while working with the transformer. Train the staff to rigorously follow safety procedures to successfully eliminate the risks of shocks, burns, injuries, or any other hazards.   Ensure a suitable environment Plant owners and managers must ensure a clean, dry, and uninterrupted area to install the power transformer. Don’t place your transformer in presence of any flammable fumes, explosives, excessive heat, surplus moisture, and too much dust. If such conditions are unavoidable, ask experts to take care of the installation and maintenance as well.   Do adhere to the specifications As every transformer is manufactured to function at a specific current capacity it is wise to always stick to the specifications. Don’t try to modify a transformer’s capacity to take up more load and exceed the safe current value.  It can be fatal.   Be Alert to pick up any unusual signs Other than the regular maintenance, keep an eye out for any unusual activity or sound out of the transformer. If you feel like something is wrong with its working, shut it off immediately and don’t try to restart again without an okay from an expert. Power transformers are the voltage pumping unit of a plant that keeps it running 24/7. Responsible plant owners know that transformers need maintenance and care to function at the optimum level. Follow the guidelines mentioned above for your transformers to run a smooth and accident-free plant all the time. What Is The Significance Of The Power Factor In Electrical Systems? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/what-is-the-significance-of-the-power-factor-in-electrical-systems_11895.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:21:53 +0530 All industries use a combination of electrical equipment for an uninterrupted and profitable manufacturing process. And for every electrical equipment, its power factor is the measure of how effectively it is using electricity.   In the technical language power factor is the ratio of working or true power to the apparent power. To understand it in the simplest way let’s look at some useful terms first:   True power: this is the quantity of power used for the actual work like heating, motion, lighting, etc. It is expressed in KW.   Reactive power: this is the power needed for the equipment to generate the magnetic field required to operate. It is expressed in KVAR.   Apparent power: this is the vector sum of true power and reactive power. It is expressed in KVA.   So, the power factor = KW/KVA   The value of the power factor is always between zero and one. Most of the induction motors, industrial lamps, discharge lamps, and others operate at very low power factors ranging from 0.2 to 0.3. One of the major causes of low power factor is the presence of inductive loads.   A Simple way to improve power factor To increase the power factor, current carrying capacity, and lower the electric bills a capacitor should be added in parallel with the loads. The capacitor reduces the non-working power and thus increase the power factor and efficiency.   The Role of Power Factor in Transformers A transformer is an important part of the electrical system and almost all heavy machinery industries. Just like other electrical devices power factor of a transformer is the measurement of its efficiency which can be poor or excellent.   The power factor of the transformer should be high and the closer it is to 1 the better its efficiency. To maintain a high-power factor for power and distribution transformers, it is essential to add the right capacitor. The transformers with higher power factors have the following benefits.   Maximization of current-carrying capacity Improvement of voltage to equipment Reduction of power losses Lowers the electricity expenses As mentioned above, the simple of improving the power for electrical appliances is to add a capacitor but it must be cautiously calculated for every transformer separately depending upon the true and reactive power of every equipment based on its rating.   Here are some important points to keep in mind for the same:   Ways to Increase the Power Factor As transformers are designed for different loads, it must be operated on its specified load only. Since the power factor may decline if the transformer works under a lighter load. Likewise, efficiency is reduced significantly if the transformer is used below or above the specified load range. Moreover, lower power loads affect the efficiency more and reduce the service life of the transformer too.   While increasing the power factor, the transformer must be operated at the rated voltage. Otherwise, both the service life of the transformer and the power factor will be reduced.   Conclusion The power factor is a useful metric to calculate the efficiency of a transformer. And although it is fairly simple to increase the power factor by adding a capacitor, it must be done by expert professionals. One must always operate at the rated voltage and load range to avoid any reduction in service life and power factor. To get expert help regarding any power factor query, you can reach out to Electro-tech Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Being an expert transformer manufacturer based in M.P India we can give the best advice based on your requirements.   Contact us @ info@ettgroups.in for any power factor issue and how to improve it. Things To Know Before Purchasing A Power Transformer. http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/things-to-know-before-purchasing-a-power-transformer_11896.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:23:00 +0530 Transformers have always been an indispensable component of any kind of electrical networks. They are the core equipment used in industries for managing power supplies. But its application is not just confined to factories, it is widely used in the domestic sectors. However, one major part of the electrical network which heavily relies on transformers and serves as the backbone of the industrialized sector is power distribution. A power transformer is a prominent part of that setup.   A Power Transformer is designed in different shapes, sizes, and specifications for fulfilling different requirements. And with several options in hand, the process of buying a power transformer can become an intimidating task.   For a better understanding of your requirements and making worthy purchase decisions before buying a Power Transformer, you must seek answers to the following questions.   What is the power rating of the transformer? The power rating of a transformer is the product of current and maximum operating voltage. Every transformer with a rating of more than (2MVA) is a power transformer. They usually operate at high voltages, and since every transformer is expected to work at maximum of its capacity you need to ensure the higher power rating of the transformer. The chances of damages arise when the transformer is operated beyond its power rating capacity. Therefore, you need to calculate the maximum power that the transformer has to handle and purchase the one with the next feasible higher rating.   What will be the expected efficiency level of the transformer? As seen in common scenarios, transformers are expected to perform at 100% efficiency. This implies that you should take measures for minimizing the losses from transformers. The major causes of losses are the iron core and the copper windings. To ensure minimal losses, you can ask the power transformer manufacturer to make the core out of high-grade, laser cut & cold rolled sheets & the copper winding of the high quality. Before making a purchase, work out the expected efficiency levels of your transformer, ensuring minimum losses and maximum operational efficiency for the better life of the transformer.   Can you rely on the quality of the transformer? Power transformers are expected to run incessantly 24*7 at its maximum load capacity. And the components of the transformers are subjected to heavy mechanical and electrical loads. You need to confirm that the transformer can endure such conditions without breaking down. The best designing solutions, in this case, is continuous windings with minimum joints. Besides this, effecting a purchase from a proficient and credible power transformer manufacturer guarantees efficient power performance.   Can the transformer tank withstand adverse mechanical as well as natural conditions? Power transformers are heavy and huge equipment, occupying a lot of space in the facility, and are continuously exposed to the natural elements. Consequently, the core assembly, insulating coil, and the transformers winding are contained in a tank. As a buyer of the transformer, you need to ensure the tank is so manufactured ensuring strength, corrosion resistance, and leak-proof arrangements.   What is the vector group of the transformer? Vector group notations provide the details on winding configurations and the difference of phase angles between the windings of the power transformer. You need to accurately chalk-out the positioning of the transformers at the facility because transformers with different vector groups can result in circulating currents and other disturbances.   What are the other core specifications of the power transformer? Lastly, you need to workout and match your specifications with that offered by the power transformer manufacturer. The other key specifications to be looked out for are: Phase requirements, Voltage, Frequency of operations, Size, capacity & KVA of the transformer, Location of the transformer in the facility, and expected operations of the transformer.   The decisions of making the purchase that involves heavy monetary investments are highly influenced by the expected cash outflows over long-term economics. And so is the case with the purchase of a power transformer, it requires a clear understanding of your requirements and accurate research to realize the complete monetary value of the product. Hence, whenever you plan to purchase it from a power transformer manufacturer, ensure you have answers to all the above-mentioned questions. How To Identify The Best Transformer For Your Industry? http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/how-to-identify-the-best-transformer-for-your-industry_11897.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:24:36 +0530 While picking a transformer for your industry, it is crucial to choose the right transformer manufacturer to ensure the product performs as intended. Although with so many options available, selecting the right transformer can be a challenge. In this blog post, we discuss some of the main factors to help you choose the right transformer for your industry.   Key Considerations While Selecting One  For any industry, transformers are an important asset. Whether large, medium or small-sized industry; transformers are the backbones of smooth operations in every industry. Expect that all buildings and apartments are run on them. Transformers are an integral part of the electrical framework everywhere.   Transformers are the electrical appliance to convert voltages and transfer energy between circuits using the principle of electromagnetic induction. Purchasing an adequate transformer for your industry can help make it stand out among the competition and dominate the market.   Here are the points you must keep in mind to identify an apt transformer for your industry:   Gain some upfront knowledge  The market is full of potentially some of the best transformers which can paralyze your decision making, delay the process, and ultimately lead to anxiety. But don’t worry one of the better ways to deal with this crisis is to research before buying. Because armed with some basic knowledge and facts about transformers you will be able to make an intelligent decision.   Which phase do your industry work on? Sizing which phase transformer your industry needs is essential to the latter’s success.   A single-phase transformer is the one that transforms a single-phase or three-phase input voltage to a single-phase output voltage required by your equipment. And a three-phase transformer does the opposite. it is designed to transform a three-phase input voltage to the single-phase and three-phase output voltages.   A simple way to identify which phase transformer your industry needs depends upon the type of industry.   Generally, a single-phase transformer is equipped in mining, marine, oil & gas, and other industries, which have specific voltage requirements.   The three-phase transformer is commonly used in larger domestic premises. Most commercial establishments and industry have many 3 phase motors that require a three-phase supply. These are also used to supply domestic, business, and industrial premises with electrical power.   Check the wiring  The next important factor is the wiring or binding of the transformer. You must examine the wiring of the transformer to find the right machinery that is worth your investment. As the transformer operate 24/7 on high temperatures, major fault can happen due to low-quality wiring and often turn into the main reason for the failure of the device.   Furthermore, if you also check the circuit design, scheme, and manufacturing of the transformer it will help you provide a faultless service for your industry.   Input & output voltage  After a thorough inspection of wiring, you must know the input and output voltage of the transformer operation. You must buy the transformer that is not less than 80% of the voltage requirement of industrial tools and machines. More than the specified voltage power can be dangerous for both men and machines in the industry.   Also, make sure that the voltage capacity is mentioned on the transformer to avoid any casualties and ensure the safety of the technicians.   Additionally, all the problems of voltage fluctuations can be easily handled with one intelligent investment for the right voltage capacitance transformer.   Excess Sound & Vibrations  Large-sized transformers used in industries tend to develop a humming sound due to the continuous functioning process. Such noises and vibrations are not safe for the instant environment. It may lead to various kinds of health problems for the working staff and decrease the equipment life too.   To avoid the above situation, you should test the transformer for longer hours whether it is creating sounds and vibrations.   Electro-Tech Transmission – Ideal Solutions for all your transformer Needs  Whether you need a three-phase transformer or a standard single-phase small-sized transformer, ETT is the one-stop-shop to buy quality transformers. We provide a high variety of power transformer, distribution transformer, furnace transformer, and more.   If you have any doubts before picking the most suitable transformer for your industry, just give a call and our experts will be there to guide you.   Contact us @ +91-9009148148. Post-sales support is as important as Transformer Design for a better equipment life http://www.ettgroups.co.in/blog/post-sales-support-is-as-important-as-transformer-design-for-a-better-equipment-life_11898.htm Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:26:27 +0530 Often you might have experienced a loud spark near your home and immediately the electricity goes out soon after the onset of monsoon. Rains, storms, thunder & lightning during this season remains responsible for short circuits, sudden voltage fluctuations, and irregular power supply. This adversely affect the health of your transformers and other power equipment.   As we crawl from July to September suddenly a marathon of power cuts begins. To restore electricity many times the technician is seen cutting off the main supply to protect transformers from catching fire. Such severe damage affect the service life of transformers.   Why Transformer Catches Fire During Rains? The main cause of the transformer explosion is a short circuit that accelerates a destructive process known as oil cracking. It is when transformer oil produces highly combustible gases – acetylene and hydrogen. Whereas, a short circuit can be caused by many reasons like a random flying pigeon or moisture absorbed particle.   In the transformer system, the explosive gases can exist in two forms– vapor and mist having explosive properties during rains. High energy release due to short circuits can easily set fire to the combustible gases, damaging property up to repairs beyond damage.   Common Causes Of Faults In Transformers Water pouring from the sky is not the only problem. But there’s more. Apart from oil cracking, other ways also disrupt the functioning of transformers such as: Erratic voltage – high tension transmission lines touch each other or rub against trees due to high velocity winds results in overloading transformers Excess heat – generated inside the transformer can also cause overloads Moisture accumulation – water absorption in insulation poses a serious threat of electrical malfunction and insulation breakdown Lightning – strike can cause transformers to explode Decreased cooling – fault due to an increase in temperature Properly planned maintenance measures assist in avoiding many transformer faults.   Significance Of Post-Sales Transformer Maintenance Services  Transformers are the lifeline of the electrical transmission grid. They are also one of the most expensive equipment in the industry, commercial establishments, businesses and apartment buildings. yet every rainy season the number of transformer explosions keeps on increasing.   To eliminate such transformer burnout one simple way is following a periodic maintenance routine. You might be wondering why a periodic check for an annual problem.   Listed are some of the benefits you might find interesting: Periodic maintenance can address the issues even before it happens. Significant increase in the service life of transformers. Considerable boost in the performance of the machine. Save the burn in your pocket possibly due to a big fault.   Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Machines need proper and regular maintenance. Less maintenance certainly means less expenditure, but it can severely deteriorate the transformer performance and equipment life. Hence it is better to opt for regular maintenance. Every transformer is designed for 30 years of service life but that does not mean it can’t be used for more than that. It is proven that regular maintenance can make machines work longer than their designed life.   Electro-Tech’s annual maintenance contract is a wholesome effort to maximize the transformer’s service life. It includes tests like filtration of transformer oil, overhauling of the transformer, and electrical testing. Such tests are performed on a monthly, bi-monthly, once in 6 months or annual basis depending upon the working period of the transformer.   It is not just about designing the best transformers, it about their smooth functioning as well. Primarily during troubling times like rainy season. With over 6 years in transformer manufacturing and maintenance, we provide our clients with reliable and prompt services for greater customer satisfaction.   No matter it is regular maintenance or once after the purchase, we would love to assist you to make this rainy season a little easier. Reach out to our transformer maintenance team on our customer help desk or write to us at info@ettgroups.in   Why Energy Efficient Transformer NeededPrevious Post